Friday, 16 August 2013


yesterday was my bufday... 16th august 2013...
tapi, xder sorang pun kat atas rumah ni yg wish my bufday...
the person that wish me happy bufday was syahirah, ilah, ria, cece, suzie,solehah, along & kak long ..
where's everyone? hurm just let them be.. if they don't remember why bother?? right??
just forget it, it's not a big deal though..hurm~
but it's really disturb my feeling, my emotion...arghhh it is really pissed me off..
not gift that i ask, all i ask just wish me a happy bufday!!
HELLO!! does anyone realise what day is today??

before i let my words hurt others feeling, i better shut my mouth & mind my own business..
at noon, i'm supposed to go to my friend's house, suzie..
she invited me to her house sebab dia buat rumah terbuka raya ni..
but, i'm so frustrated as i cannot go to her house, because there's no one home to send me there..
i thought if i go to her house, at least i can reudce my anger towards them... but, it doesn't work, i'm still stuck at home!!!!!

i watched movie, cartoons, walks from living room to the kitchen, but my hearts is empty, i'm pissed!!!
tym maghrib, aku tidur, i dunno what else to do, so i sleep~ but then my mom come home & told me that cik la ( my old boss) asked me to go to her house as dia pun buat rumah terbuka jugak..=)
so, i just went there with an empty heart's feeling,... as far as i know, just go with the flow dear....
my sis told me to go in first, then she will come with kak fatin..hurm apa boleh buat, ikut jer la...
i've been waiting, 5 minutes, 10 minutes 15 minutes then i thought that half an hour i've been waiting for her to come, but there's no sign of her..hurm~ 
i dont know how long i've been waiting, but what i know,.. SIS!!! PLEASE COME PICK ME UP, I WANT TO GO HOME, RIGHT NOW!!!

and there she is, not so long from that screaming..hehe i'm so glad she we go home...
sesampainyer aku kat rumah, i've seen many people infront of my house, why's there so many people??
as far as i know, just my uncle's family come to my house, untuk beraya, tu jer la...
when i crossed the gate, i saw there's a cake there and i can hear a happy birthday song!!
its touch my hearts..they remember!!
tenkiu y'alls~

tears go down my face, my mouth is shut, not a word that got out from my mouth..
i'm speechless... tonight is just a wonderful night..
rupa-rupanya semua orabng berpakat nak buat surprise kat aku..patutla tak der sape pun yang wish..hehe
terima kasih diucapkan kepada : mom, dad. kakak, adik, ayh in,& isteri, yana, sukma, fiki,  hanis,kak nini, afif, madihah, iman, tokcik & isteri, kak moh & the geng, abg ngah & abg long, kak fatin, alisa n ajis...
tenkiu for making this for me, & tenkiu for always there for me...=)
 enjoy the pictures, well i know it's not soo beautiful, but i love it...

let's blow the candle..
 jom potong kek..=)
yes, all of mny family's here!!

kakak, kak fatin, alisa & ajis.. enjoy the meal..=)

shairi, yana, sukma, kak moh & kak moh, mok ling..


tokcik, kak nini, madihah, iman..terima kasih..=)

 dah habis bergelas2 air da pun..

i love them.. <3

iman, hanis, madihah, kak nini & tokcik..terima kasih

mak, yana, bie~

abg long, abg ngah..tenkiu for coming..=)

i love you mom.. muahx <3

i love both of you... <3 <3 <3

my little brother, that  always fight with me..tenkiu adik..=)


AUGUST 16th 2013

it's a great date & great day for me & my family of course..
back to 21 years ago, in operations room, a mother's struggled for her   life & her baby..
i can't imagined segala pengorbanan yg telah & she would always done to her children, just to see her child's growing up to be a good person in life & after, by giving all her love to her daughters & sons...

as for abah, he is always a great abah in the world... i love abah ketat2..
he never say that he love or care about his daughters & sons, and it's also hard seeing he showed his concern & love towards us..
but deep down his heart, he really does.. and we can see it through his eyes and all the action that he takes..
he always give advices & warning us about life..
he speaks not so much words, but when he speaks, his words shut our mouth..
and we can never talked back..
but if you know him well, he's a funny guy actually..heee

tepat pukul 2.20 am, 16th august terdengar suara tangisan bayi..
suara tangisan seorang bayi perempuan..
terlihat  senyuman di wajah mak & abah..
its such a precious gift for them..
akhirnya bayi itu diberi nama NUR DINIY BT ABD RAHMAN..
that baby is me..
i'm so glad that mom gave birth to me, dad who thought me about life & islam...
i'm such a lucky person to have such mom and dad as my parents...
and i'm glad to have this family around me, always supports me in whatever i do & advice me when i'm confused..


p/s : mak, abah..doakan anak mu ini berjaya dunia akhirat, menjadi anak yang solehah, yang dapat membantu mak & abah masuk syurga.. yang dapat menyenangkan hati mak & abah sepanjang mak & abah masih bernafas di dunia ni... i love u all... :-*

mom and dad you are always my inspiration...

Thursday, 15 August 2013

trying to be a positive person...indeed

it's been such a long holiday for me..
pejam celik, pejam celik cuti semester aku da pun nak habis..
and i'm gonna go back to PALAM & study, study, study!!
apa yg besh cgt pn aku xtao la...
ntah ler labu, labi pun tak tahu...
labi rasa tak sedap hati labu...
labi happy...tapi, there's something going in and out in my head..
and i'm barely cannot shoo away that thought..
sabarlah wahai hati.. everything happens has its own reason..
ALLAH knows better than us...

my doa is : 
YA ALLAH, YA TUHANKU, sesungguhnya ENGKAUlah maha penyayang, lagi maha mengetahui akan sesuatu itu.. aku bermohon kepada-MU YA ALLAH, bantulah hamba-MU ini untuk hamba-MU sentiasa menjadi seorang hamba yg bersyukur akan nikmat kurniaan-MU.. hamba-mu ini, hamba yang lemah, tanpa bimbingan-MU, aku sesat, tanpa hidayah-MU aku seorang yang rugi... tetapkanlah iman hamba-MU &  bantulah hamba-MU dalam aku menempuhi dugaan-MU... amin ya robbal alamin..